Central PA Street Trees
NAtive plant advocacy
The Native Plant AdvocateThe Native Plant Advocate is a website devoted to providing scientifically informed perspectives and resources on the conservation and use of native plants in our wild and lived-in landscapes.
Our Pennsylvania PLantsOur Pennsylvania Plants is a facebook page that highlights plant species native to Pennsylvania and promotes native plant sales, conferences, and events.
Mid-Atlantic Invasive Plant CouncilThe Mid-Atlantic Invasive Plant Council (MAIPC) provides regional leadership to effectively address the threat of invasive plants to the native flora, fauna, and natural habitats of the Mid-Atlantic. The council coordinates regional efforts to gather and share information on the identification, management and prevention of invasive species, provide training and volunteer opportunities and to identify research needs.
Promoting Botanical SCIENCE in Pennsylvania
PA Botany Symposium & WorkshopsThe PA Botany Symposium organizes conferences and workshops to train, support, and impassion our current and future botanists.